Professor Michel Soukar: A Renaissance Scholar

Born in the vibrant city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on August 22, 1955, Professor Michel Soukar emerged as a luminary figure in the realms of literature, social sciences, and political journalism. His multifaceted career spans decades and continents, leaving an indelible mark on academia, literature, and Haitian cultural heritage.

Education: Professor Soukar’s intellectual journey commenced with a fervent pursuit of knowledge. He undertook Political Journalism Studies at Educatel in Belgium, laying the groundwork for his incisive analysis of socio-political landscapes. He further sharpened his scholarly intelligence at the Université du Québec à Montréal, earning a Master’s degree in Literature from 1985 to 1986.

Professional Journey: Professor Soukar’s career trajectory reflects a relentless commitment to education, literature, and democratic discourse. From 1975 to 1994, he served as a distinguished Professor of Literature and Social Sciences at esteemed institutions such as Collèges Marie- Anne, the Institut National d ’Art Dramatique, and the Collège de Port-au-Prince. Simultaneously, he assumed pivotal editorial roles, including the editorship of the weekly literature publication “Le Petit Samedi Soir” and the management of the magazine “Tèm.”

As a visionary leader, Professor Soukar co-founded and directed the “Collège de Port-au-Prince,” fostering academic excellence and intellectual growth. His contributions extended beyond academia, as evidenced by his role as the co-founder and general secretary of the Association des Ecrivains Haïtiens, championing Haitian literary voices.

Professor Soukar’s dedication to democratic education manifested through his directorship of the Institut Mobile d ’Education Démocratique, promoting participatory learning and civic engagement. His influence transcended borders, as he engaged in educational programming at Radio Signal FM and served as a correspondent for Radio Haiti Amérique Internationale, amplifying Haitian perspectives on the global stage.

Awards and Recognition: Professor Soukar’s contributions have garnered widespread acclaim, underscored by prestigious awards such as the LABOUR AND JUSTICE Prize presented by Nobel Prize Winner Mrs. Betty Williams and the Emeric Bergeaud Prize awarded by the Direction Nationale du Livre d’Haïti.

Broadcasting Skill: Professor Soukar’s impact extended to the airwaves, where he produced and directed over 800 radio programs on Haitian history, international politics, and economics on Radio Signal FM. Through insightful discourse and critical analysis, he enriched public understanding and facilitated dialogue on pressing issues shaping Haiti and the world.

Professor Michel Soukar’s enduring legacy exemplifies the soul of intellectual rigor, literary creativity, and civic engagement. His unwavering dedication to education and democratic values continues to inspire generations, leaving an indelible imprint on Haitian academia and cultural heritage.

Dr. Jean Fils-Aime

Dr Jean Fils-Aimé  détient un doctorat (Ph.D.) en Théologie de l’Université de Montréal (2003).  Il est  spécialiste des questions de religions et de cultures en modernité. (M.A.) de l’Université McGill (1997).

Il détient aussi une maîtrise en Administration Publique (M.A.P. ) avec une spécialisation en Management international de l’École Nationale d’Administration Publique de l’Université du Québec (2012);  Il est auteur, chercheur en management interculturel et analyste politique.  Il vit au Québec depuis près de 30 ans.

Jean est animateur depuis plus de 20 ans  à la radio haïtienne de CPAM à Montréal et chroniqueur politique sur Radio Centre-Ville. Ses émissions passent partout en Haïti et il est régulièrement invité sur différentes plateformes.

Son objectif: amener des pistes de réflexion afin de contribuer à l’avancement des peuples Noirs. Jean a commencé son aventure sur YouTube depuis 2020 et est suivi par plus de 60 000 abonné.es à travers le monde. 

Étant un docteur en théologie et ancien pasteur, il répond aux questions des abonnés et les guide spirituellement en les encourageant à tout remettre en question et à trouver les réponses en eux.  Conférencier et enseignant, il est souvent invité par les universités pour offrir des formations sur le racisme systématique. 

Ses livres les plus populaires sont: Vodou je me souviens, Vaudou 101, Les églises évangéliques en Haïti: 200 ans de zombification, Haïti, miroir d’une société en décomposition avancée, et si on recommençait? 

Son plus récent livre est sorti le 22 août 2021, et à pour titre: Être Noir, une fabrication occidentale, comment briser la matrice?

Ret. Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honore

BIO United States Army Lieutenant General (Retired) Russel L. Honoré, was born in September 15, 1947 to Udell and Lloyd Honoré in Lakeland, Louisiana. Honoré was the eighth of twelve children. Raised on a subsistence farm in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, Honoré was taught to value hard work. Honoré attended Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he earned his B.S. degree in vocational agriculture. After completing ROTC training at Southern University, Honoré entered the U.S. Army as an Infantry Officer for the United States Army Combat Development Command in 1971.

During his 37 year career in the United States military, Honoré held a variety of positions and served in a number of commanding and supervisory positions, including Instructor at the United States Army Armor School; Commander for the C Company, 4th Battalion, 5th Infantry; and Assistant G-1 (Personnel) for the 1st Infantry Division (Forward), United States Army Europe and Seventh Army. In 1989, Honoré became the commander for the 4th Battalion, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division (Forward) in support of Operations Desert Shield/Storm. Between 1999 and 2000, Honoré served as the Vice Director for Operations for the Joint Staff, where he supported the Department of Defense planning and response for Hurricane Floyd, as well as the United States’ military response to the devastating flooding in Venezuela (1999) and Mozambique (2000).

In 2004, Honoré became the 33rd commanding general of the U.S. First Army at Fort Gillem, Georgia. In this position, Honoré coordinated the U.S. military’s preparedness and response to Hurricane Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005, Honoré was designated commander of Joint Task Force Katrina. Honoré’s arrival in New Orleans came after what was widely believed to be a poor performance by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Honoré gained media celebrity and accolades for his apparent turning around of the situation in the city as well as his gruff management style which contrasted with what many felt were the empty platitude of civilian officials.

Following his retirement from the military on January 11, 2008, Honoré declared that he would spend the second half of his life committed to creating a culture of preparedness in America. In this regard, Honoré joined The Gallup Organization as a Senior Scientist; the faculties of Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health and Nell Hodgson School of Nursing. Honoré also served as a CNN Preparedness contributor. Since 2008, Honoré has worked as a public speaker with Keppler Speakers out of Arlington, Virginia. In 2009 he wrote a popular radio segment entitled “Work is a Blessing” for National Public Radio (NPR)’s program, This I Believe. Honoré has published many written works including his 2009 book, Survival: How a Culture of Preparedness Can Save You and Your Family from Disasters and soon to be published, War Stories: Leadership in the New Normal.

Honoré is the recipient of numerous military and civilian awards, including six honorary doctorates from schools such as Stillman College and the United States Army War College. He received the 2006 NAACP Humanitarian Award, National Newspaper Publishers Association Newsmaker of the Year Award; Defense Distinguished Service Medal; and Army Distinguished Service Medal; as well as Keys to the City for Chrisholm, Minnesota, Riverdale, Georgia, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, and New Orleans, Louisiana.

Honoré lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with his wife Beverly.  Russel Honoré was interviewed by The HistoryMakers on February 29, 2012.

Journalist Wendell Theodore Co-Host